Kegiatan Monitoring Magang Mahasiswa D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung (TRKBG) di proyek Pembangunan Waron Hospital Women’s & Children’s Specialist Jalan Kaliwaron 106-114,Mojo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, tanggal 1 Nopember 2023 Kegiatan dilaksanakan oleh Dr. Ir. Krisnamurti, M.T. dan Dr. Anik Ratnanisngsih, S.T., M.T. monitoring dilakukan dengan mengamati kegiatan magang Mahasiswa D4 TRKBG dalam praktek magang…
Workshop sekaliagus kuliah tamu D4 Teknologi Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung (TRKBG) yang dilaksanakan di Gedung Agrotechnopark Jubung pada tanggal 10 Oktober 2023 berlangsung dengan lancar dan sukses. Kegiatan workshop dimulai oleh MC Alika di awali menyanyikan lagu Indonesia Raya serta Hymne Universitas Jember dan Mars Sipil dilanjutkan doa bersama. Setelah itu, sambutan diberikan oleh Kaprodi…
September, 2023. Tim Vokasi D4 Teknik Rekayasa Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung Universitas Jember mengadakan kunjungan lapangan atau Field Trip. Kunjungan lapangan ini bertujuan untuk menambah referensi bagi prodi D4 Teknik Rekayaas Konstruksi Bangunan Gedung dalam pengembangan Teaching Factory yang berlokasi di Universitas Jember Kampus Jubung. Teaching Factory ini dibuat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan lulusan dari prodi D4…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
We have been trusted advisors to the world foremost organizations since 1926, and we continue to uphold the principles set by our founder and CEO, the successful entrepreneur Nabin Tuladhar.
Who We Are
We have been trusted advisors to the world’s foremost organizations since 1926, and we continue to uphold the principles set by our founder and CEO
Consulting and strategic planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies.
Join over 100+ companies using our unique go-to-market approach to a sustainable competitive advantage.
Our Services
We have been trusted advisors to the world’s foremost organizations since 1926, and we continue to uphold the principles set by our founder and CEO, the successful entrepreneur Nabin Tuladhar.
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
Consulting planning for modern businesses involves providing advice and guidance to companies on how…
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